Edited by Jon Mackley and Nick Ingram
Writers Unleashed
Writers Unleashed is the umbrella title of a new initiative, the aim of which is to create anthologies so that both new and established authors can get their work into circulation and promoted across a wide area.
The first two volumes, Gin City, focuses on the writers and artists of the city of Plymouth. The Writers Unleashed volume is in progress which has submissions from Indonesia, Mauritius, Nigeria, and a few closer to home.
We are actively seeking submissions for GIN CITY 3 and the WRITERS UNLEASHED volumes.
Edited by Jon Mackley and Nick Ingram
This is the first volume in a new initiative which brings together work from both established and up-and-coming writers and artists, providing a new platform for their work. This volume contains some of the very best of poetry and prose coming out of the city of Plymouth – the Gin City It brings together a variety of unique and exciting voices in contemporary poetry and prose that deserve to be heard and demand publication. Evocative, provocative, poignant, political, nostalgic, and sometimes addressing challenging issues close to the authors’ hearts: there is something here for everyone.
Please check out the contributions from each of the authors and illustrators. If you enjoy the work in this volume then please let others know about the Gin City project. Please also support the authors by looking for their other work or follow to see if they are performing at any live events.

Featuring the poetry and prose of:
Charles Becker, Thom Boulton, James Bridgwater, Margaret Corvid, Lyn Douglass, Heather Grange, Alan Grant, Jack Horne, Nick Ingram, James Jones, Merris Longstaff, Jon Mackley, Robin Oliver, Pat Pettit, Sam Richards, Roger Schiff, Joe Vosper, Jackie Wacha and Liz Wright
And illustrations by:
Nick Ingram and Gabi Marcellus-Temple

Volume 2
Edited by Jon Mackley and Nick Ingram
Featuring the work of:
Charles Becker, James Bridgwater, Carolyn Canavan, Shanel Chalmers, Ray Checkley, Lyn Douglass, Adam Glennon, Nick Ingram, James Jones, Jon Mackley, David Mallalieu, Jack May, Mrs Murals, Alan Norman, James Ousley, Chris Parsons, M. Pauseman, Nick Spargo, Andy Stewart, Teri Turner, John Washbrook, and Liz Wright.