Edited by Jon Mackley and Nick Ingram
Richmond/AIFS Spring 2020
British Fantasy Literature
Welcome to British Fantasy Literature online at AIFS and Richmond University (03/19/20)
Hi Everyone.
In view of everyone suddenly becoming "geographically challenged" in that you're now all on the other side of the world from me, and the University/AIFS programme have asked us to switch to online materials, what I plan is to upload course materials to this website. I'd rather not use this personal site, but Moodle and Blackboard do not allow large files to be uploaded to their sites. I'm recording in low image quality, and I've included the slides that I would have used in the seminars. Some of these may have links to videos or articles that I would have shown.
I've "bumped" a few of the seminars for the 4.30pm group to align them with the earlier group.
You'll note I'm uncomfortable using any kind of technology and it's been a learning curve to find out what I can do with the facilities I've got. So, thank you in advance for bearing with me.
In the meantime, you can contact me on my email addresses for Richmond and Northampton Universities if you have any queries.
Seminars: 1.30 class 4.30 class
19 March Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings
26 March Doctor Who Doctor Who
2 April The Harry Potter Phenomenon Harry Potter
9 April Assignment 2 Due V for Vendetta
14-15 April Online assignment to replace the "exam"
16 April Assignment 2 Due
22-23 April Online assignment to replace the "exam"
Lord of the Rings Seminar Material
Lord of the Rings seminar slides
Lord of the Rings seminar
Lord of the Rings (1978) Part 1
Lord of the Rings (1978) Part 2
Assignment 2
Information about assignment 2 and "virtual exam"
Assignment feedback sheet (for info)
Harry Potter Presentations
Harry Potter Discussion slides
Harry Potter Seminar Presentation
Student Presentations: NB, I appreciate that some of you have been in touch to explain there have been some difficulties with sending the files. Thanks to everyone who's been in touch
Anna King
Jordan Myrick
Dani Hazan
Emily Ness
Jessica Szymendera
Lauren Durham
Dylan Doherty 1
Dylan D 2
Grace Pfeil
Kat Quick
Ellie Wooden HP Notes
Caleb Daly
Kat Brown
Ray Tippen
Megan Cockett
Sheridan Cornett
Elyssa Shroder
To Follow
V for Vendetta Seminar Material
V for Vendetta Presentation
V for Vendetta Film Part 1
V for Vendetta Slides
V for Vendetta Film Part 2
This is the final assignment for British Fantasy Literature replacing the exam
Submit through Blackboard, please.
Preferred document for you to submit your answers through